

A holistic approach to coping with pain

This 5 week course is designed to give you an insight into holistic approaches to coping and managing living with pain. Some of the topics that are covered within this course are: The relationship between pain and mental wellbeing, Sleep and relaxation, emotions, Diet and exercise, living day to day with pain and coping with pain. Not only is this an oppurtunity to explore topics that could help you manage and cope with living with pain better but it is also a space to gain support and connect with like minded individuals with similar lived experiences.

Tuesday’s at The Palace Hub, Redcar, TS10 3AE

All of our services are free of charge. To self refer into this service please fill in the electronic referral form here.

For more information or to access a hard copy of the referral form please contact us on office@linkct.org.uk or 01642 989198.

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